17.03.2025 - our phone lines have gone down. This is a problem with BT/EE which is beyond our control. if you need to contact the practice, for those with internet / IT access, please complete an econsult. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please note this is not the practices fault and we can only await for the network problem to be rectified.
20.03.2025 - Bydd y Meddygfa ar gau am y prynhawn rhwng 1yp i 5yp ar gyfer hyffoddiant staff. Gwasanaeth meddyg allan o oriau 0300 0844 0000
20.03.2025 -The practice will be closed for the afternoon between 1pm to 5pm for staff training - GP out of hours during this time only is 0300 0844 000
Caiff galwadau eu recordio at ddibenion hyfforddi ac ansawdd yn unig. Calls are recorded for training and quality purposes only.
Welsh Government - GP Access Poster


Croeso i Fron Derw / Welcome to Bron Derw
Meddygon tu allan i oriau, rhif ffon am ddim 111 / New GP Out of Hours contact number will be 111
Mae e consult ond ar gael i glefion ac cael ei fonitro gan y practis, dydd llun i dydd gwener rhwng 8.30 yb tan 6 yp. Am angen brys yn y nos a penwythnos ffoniwch adran Meddyg Teulu ty allan o oriau.
E consult is only available to patients and monitored by the practice, Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6pm. For urgent need evenings / weekends please contact the GP out of hours.
Os ydych fel arfer yn dychwelyd eich ail-bresgripsiwn yn y feddygfa, defnyddiwch y blwch post o flaen y giatiau, neu ei bostio atom / peidiwch â defnyddio E-ymgynghori.
Bydd yr holl bresgripsiynau'n cael eu hanfon i'r fferyllfa o'ch dewis chi i'w casglu. I unrhyw un sydd heb nodi fferyllfa o'ch dewis chi, sicrhewch eich bod yn gwneud hyn nawr neu bydd oedi o ran eich caisOs ydych chi'n symptomatig i dymheredd uchel, twymyn, peswch parhaus a diffyg anadl, PEIDIWCH Â MYNYCHU'R FEDDYGFA. Defnyddiwch hunan-wiriwr uniongyrchol y GIG a dilynwch y canllawiau a roddir.
If you usually drop off your repeat at the surgery, please use the post box on the front of gates, or post in/ do not use E consult.
All prescriptions are sent to your chosen pharmacy for collection. For anyone who has not given the practice their chosen pharmacy, please do so now or this will delay your request.
If you are symptomatic to high temperature, fever, continuous cough and shortness of breath please DO NOT ATTEND THE SURGERY . Use the NHS direct self checker and follow the guidance given.
Gwasanaethau ar lein / Online services: ( sylwer ddolwen newydd uwchben y tudalen/ Please see new link top page)
E- Ymgynghori / E Consult - Defynddiwch E-Ymgynghori ar gyfer pob cais gweinyddol, Cyngor Meddyg Teulu neu gwybodaeth hynangymorth. Please use E Consult above for all administrative requests, GP advice or self help information.
presgripsiwns ar lein / on line prescriptions from 01.03.2024 - please register using the NHS APP instead of MHOL/ Defnyddiwch APP GIG cymru yn lle MHOL.
Gwybodaeth GDPR information:
Mae'r practis yn defnyddio cofnodion cyfrifiadurol a phapur i gadw gwybodaeth glinigol a gweinyddol am gleifion. Gellir rhannu'r wybodaeth hon gyda staff gofal iechyd proffesiynol eraill. Ni fydd gwybodaeth yn cael ei throsglwyddo i drydydd parti, megis cyfreithwyr neu gwmni yswiriant heb eich caniatâd ysgrifenedig clir chi. Mae'n bosibl byddwn hefyd yn gofyn am eich caniatâd i dynnu lluniau.
Rydym wedi cofrestru gyda'r Swyddfa Comisiynydd Gwybodaeth.
Mae'r hawl gennych i weld copi o'ch cofnodion meddygol. Os byddwch yn dymuno adolygu eich cofnodion meddygol, gofynnwch i aelod o staff.
Mae taflen sy'n esbonio GDPR ar gael ar gais.
The Practice uses computers and paper records to keep clinical and administrative information about patients, this information may be shared with other healthcare professionals. Confidential information will only be passed to a third party, such as a Solicitor or Insurance company, with your express written permission. We may also ask your permission to take photographs.
We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office
You have a right to view or copy your medical records. Should you wish to review your medical record, please speak to a member of staff.
A leaflet explaining GDPR is available on request
- Sicwrhewch eich bod yn rhoi gwybod i ni am unrhyw newidiadau i rif eich ffon symudol. Please ensure you keep us updated of any changes in your mobile numbers.
Sefydlwyd y practis gwreiddiol ym 1947 a than fis Tachwedd 2003, roedd wedi'i leoli ar Ffordd Garth. Codwyd yr adeilad presennol yn bwrpasol ac mae'r holl ystafelloedd ymgynghori ar y llawr gwaelod ac mae digonedd o leoedd parcio ar gael i gleifion. Mae ein safle yn cydymffurfio'n llawn â DDA.
The original practice was started in 1947 and until November 2003 was situated on Garth Road. The present building has been purpose built with all consulting rooms on the ground floor, with ample patient parking. Our premises are fully DDA compliant.
The General Practitioners in the practice are / Y Meddygon Teulu yn y practis yw:
Dr Bethan Jones MBBS, MRCGP senior partner
Dr Andrew Kempster MBChB(Distinction) MRCGP(From 01.09.2024)
Salaried Doctor / Meddyg Cyflogedig:
Dr Elaine Hampton MBBCH, MRCGP, DCH, DFFS
Dr Manon Gruffydd MBChB, DRCOG, MRCGP
We are a training practice, and there is usually a fully qualified Registrar (sometimes two) attached to the practice. Due to commitments elsewhere in the running of General Practice Services we occasionally use the services of a locum doctor who is fully qualified in General Practice. Rydym yn bractis hyfforddi ac fel arfer mae Cofrestryddion wedi cymhwyso’n llawn (weithiau dau) yn gysylltiedig â’r practis. Oherwydd ymrwymiadau eraill o ran rhedeg Gwasanaethau Meddygon Teulu, weithiau byddwn yn defnyddio gwasanaeth meddyg locwm, sy’n Feddyg Teulu wedi cymhwyso’n llawn.
Foundtion 2 doctors are fully qualified doctors in their second year post graduating and spend 4 months in primary care. Some of these doctors will go on to become GP's (the future of NHS primay care) and we spend time nurturing them along these lines. They are always supervised by one of the practice GP's. Mae meddygon Sylfaen 2 yn feddygon cymwys yn eu hail flwyddyn ar ôl graddio ac sy’n treulio 4 mis mewn gofal cychwynnol. Bydd rhai o’r meddygon hyn yn mynd ymlaen i fod yn Feddygon Teulu (dyfodol gofal cychwynnol y GIG) ac rydym yn treulio amser yn eu meithrin i’r perwyl hwn. Maen nhw’n cael eu goruchwylio gan un o Feddygon Teulu’r practis bob amser.
Practice Nurses - Mary Cox, Tina Davies and Nurse Practitioner's Nic Moore, Rachel Perrin and Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Alysia Davison and Nicky Horne hey are able to deal with minor illness and acute problems and is able to prescribe the majority of medications available. They are the preferred option for an appointment for such conditions as chest infections, ear infections etc.Mae dwy Nyrs Practis - Mary Cox, Tina Davies a Nyrs Rhagnodydd, Nic Moore, Rachael Perrin ac Uwch Nyrs Rhagnodydd Alysia Davison a Nicky Horne. Maent yn gallu delio â mân salwch a phroblemau llym ac mae’n gallu rhagnodi’r rhan fwyaf o feddyginiaethau sydd ar gael. Nhw yw’r dewis a ffafrir ar gyfer apwyntiad at gyflyrau fel haint ar y frest, haint ar y glust ac ati.
We also have Health Care Assistant, Glesni Williams and Dawn Helsby, blood appointments are available up to 10.30am daily. Appointments must be made for these clinics. INR (Blood clotting monitoring for patients on warfarin) clinics are also held on Monday's and Thursday AM , again these appointments must be pre-booked. Mae gennym hefyd Gynorthwydd Gofal Iechyd, Glesni Williams ac Dawn Helsby – mae apwyntiadau gwaed ar gael hyd at 10:30am bob dydd. Rhaid gwneud apwyntiad ar gyfer y clinigau hyn. Cynhelir clinigau INR (monitro ceulo gwaed ar gyfer cleifion ar warfarin) hefyd ar bore dydd llun a dydd iau, eto, rhaid trefnu’r apwyntiadau hyn ymlaen llaw.
The Practice Manager Mrs Sian Lewis is responsible for the day to day running of the practice, with the support of a team of reception and administrative staff. Y Rheolwr Y Practis Mrs Sian Lewis sydd yn gyfrifol am rhedeg y practis o ddydd i ddydd, gyda cefnogaeth derbynydd ac gweinyddwyr.
(Site updated 24/03/2025)